
A woman in relation to God, her Father.


A woman in relation to other daughters and sons of God.


A woman who is on your side.


my story.

My name is Kimmie. I am a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend, and, one day, a mother. I live in the beautiful city of Los Angeles with my amazing husband David.

I always thought I knew who I was and what I wanted. As I got older I realized I never had a clue, truly. I had temporary desires that I tried to make long term but I could never really finish anything that I started and if I did finish it was a drag to the finish line. I was never able to find fulfillment in any one skill, talent, or passion. I didn’t feel purposed in anything I was doing. Nothing had meaning. Getting a college a degree was not fueled by passion or desire, it was just something I needed to complete to be able to pridefully say I did it (a recurring theme) and it was a drag to the finish, honestly. Being transparent, I actually walked the stage a year and a half before I got the degree. I got a job and felt empty in it, but the money was good. Ultimately, I couldn’t commit myself to something I hated so much (later realized this a key part of who I am). I moved cities and started a business, which also was hot and cold. I started a Masters Degree because it looked good and quit after one semester. I restarted this website/bog 100 times and even created personas for myself to make myself feel important and then got exhausted. This was the theme of my life, new things would excite me and then they got old after they didn’t fulfill me.

I found myself in a space of frustration, not knowing what my purpose was or what I was called to do. I moved to LA in 2017 and God really began to reveal to me who I am. My relationship with him really gained depth. I had been saved my whole life, but I was never following and walking with God until 2017. I wasn’t in intimate relationship with him until these moments. Getting to know God truly gave me knowledge of myself that I had been searching for my entire life. I realized there was a reason that I never fit in and that nothing I tried fulfilled me. He was always meant to be my fulfillment and he was always my purpose. I had been told my entire life that I had a call on my life but I never took that to heart until 2017. I have since recognized that my entire life I was searching for my God given passion and my God given passion is God’s people. God confirmed this for me with his audible voice (weird bc who has experienced that lol) when he told me “you have the spirit of Joshua. Joshua 1:6 is my life verse since that moment.

...My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness...
— 2 Corinthians 12:10

One thing that I want to make clear is that I do not have it together at all. I’m janky and jacked up inside and so are you. I’m broken and so are you. For so long I was afraid of this and I thought being a Christian meant that I had to have my brokenness in check and that I needed to be perfect. That isn’t true. The only thing we can do is be vulnerable, and by that I mean being who we are, present fully in all of the things.