ABOUT The Blog.


As it pertains to behavior; implies openness, honesty, communication, and accountability.


Allowing others to see the worst of you.


A long and often difficult process of personal change and development.



I’ve always had a passion for writing since I was a little girl but over time I lost my why. I began to try to imitate others writing style. I wrote a lot of what I thought people wanted to hear. My heart wasn’t in it. Every now and then I’d write something I felt was meaningful but mostly my words were empty.

Reflecting back I realize that the words I wrote that were meaningful were the ones that were transparent, vulnerable, honest, and open. They weren’t about specific topic pulled out the blue, they were about the reality of my journey. I connect to that style of writing and I’ve realized people connect to me more when I’m being true to my journey.

This blog is for the imperfect human, the unbeliever, the new christian, the mature christian seeking depth, and it’s for... me. Writing is an integral part of who I am. It’s a major way that I communicate with God. I use my writings to go back and remind myself of who God is. So, you can expect transparency, reality, honesty, and sometimes frustration.

You can also expect contributions from family, friends, and people that I meet along the way.

The main focus of my blog is to document my journey in spiritual growth and formation but I will also touch on lifestyle, beauty, music, and poetry.

I hope that you are encouraged by something you read or find here.

And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death
— Revelation 12:11