
I feel like the enemy is really attacking people with feelings of insignificance right now, me included, and he is using ANY LITTLE THING he can to validate feelings of smallness, unimportance, uselessness, and irrelevance. You are relevant, you are important, you are vital, and you are loved, deeply. You are God’s very own child. He is not ignoring you nor has he ever. You are not alone.

This attack is on identity. It directly affects how we see ourselves and the value that we feel we bring. If the enemy can get us to see ourselves differently than the way God sees us, then we become crippled with fear, insecurity, and inaction.

You have so much value. In him you are worthy and in him you are enough. You are needed in the spaces that he’s placed you in. Your presence is on purpose and serves a purpose. You being where you are is intentional. Ground yourself in his love and boldly walk in who he has called you to be, his daughter/his son. You do not need anyone’s approval but His and friends, you already have it. 

This is revival.